Our Policy is to provide a professional, happy safe environment for children to learn.
Class behaviour structure: We want your child to enjoy dance class, it is important that the class dynamics remain in control.
Pre school years classes - As the children are very young it is taken into consideration that their attention span is limited. Classes incorporates a variety of creativity, however a few requirements are needed, these are: children are required to be able to participate in a group, be ability to listen and take simple directions, follow instructions, work together, and individually. Teachers reserve the right to postpone registration if it is considered premature for the child to commence tuition.
Teachers: From time to time, verbal and physical corrections will be made, standard in the dance field. Examples of verbal corrections can be explaining to pupils to quiet down, to pay attention, or to move the placement of body in various directions if they are incorrect. Examples of physical correction would be the instructor placing the hands on the child to help them move their body into the correct placement, correct posture, which is usually done at ballet barre, to assist arms and feet, weight placement, alignment and to avoid injury. In any case, whether it is simple corrections or discipline within the class, all methods used will be of the utmost professionalism, as we have only the safety and enjoyment of our pupil’s interests at heart.
If a pupil exhibits behaviour detrimental to the class parent/guardians will be advised and the problem discussed. Should it continue with no improvement the principal reserves the right to exclude the pupil without refund of fees.
It is the school's policy that all places are offered on merit and no applicant is discriminated against based on race, colour, nationality, gender or ethnicity.
Anti Bullying Policy To create an ethos of good behaviour, where our students treat each other and staff with respect. The school takes bullying very seriously and will seek to prevent it. our policy is to prevent bullying of any sort. To make it clear to all students and staff that bullying is unacceptable.
Fees and Payment: All fees are due by a specified date – before or in the first week of each term. These dates must be adhered to. Any student in financial difficulties MUST speak to the Principal to discuss this and make plans for payments by instalment. Any fees not paid by the second week of term, will be subject to a £10 increase, to cover additional administration costs. If fees continue to be paid late then the school will have the right to refuse entrance to the student in question. Only once the fees have been paid in full will the student be allowed entrance to class. Private lessons are non refundable, and non transferable
Fees are non refundable, no exceptions will be made for absence including due to illness or holidays.
Continuity of training: We will continue to timetable a lesson each term for your child. If for any reason you do not wish to continue, four weeks’ notice is required to withdraw your child from classes, otherwise a cancellation fee will be due.
Safe recruitment Procedure: Our staffs are carefully selected and teachers are trained through either the (RAD) Royal Academy of Dance or (ISTD) Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, (IDTA) International Dance Teacher Association, and update skills, knowledge by attending courses annually.
Responsibilities: All teachers who work within LG BALLET CENTRE are R.A.D, I.S.T.D. IDTA, or L.A.M.D.A trained and qualified. Teachers in their own individual classes carry out their own visual risk assessments on a continual basis and are responsible for their own safe practice in class by keeping up with continual professional development via course and reading material. Teachers are also responsible for taking class registers and following evacuation procedures. Records of names, addresses and contact numbers are kept by the Principal on a database and contact numbers are kept by the Principal in paper form. All new students sign or have their guardians sign a registration form which supplies their contact details and medical history, giving various permissions as well as agreeing to the school policies. The siblings and parents who wait on site during class time are responsible for their own health and safety.
CRB Disclosure: We ensure all members of teaching staff and assisting staff undergo an enhanced criminal records Bureau disclosure (CRB). The Principal is child protection trained and holds a Matrons license through Surrey County Council.
Child Protection:
The protection of the students at the School is of paramount importance and we work to ensure that all staff are trained and experienced in the subjects they teach.
• All students must stay within the premises until collected by an adult unless alternative arrangements are made and all students under 5 years must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are not allowed into the studio unless invited by the teacher.
• Registers are kept of attendance at classes and the School keeps an up-to-date list of emergency contact numbers for each Student.
• The School holds a first aid box on site and the Principal is qualified to administer first aid.
• All teachers who work within the LG Ballet Centre have a current CRB enhanced disclosure for this position. We also make sure that various parents are licensed chaperones during the shows and all group activities.
• All teaching staff are trained and have qualified by either the Imperial Society Teachers of Dance (I.S.T.D), Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D.) or L.A.M.D.A and attend annual courses to update on new work.
The Principal holds the Royal Academy of Dance Teaching Certificate.
Shows and performances
All students of the school are invited to perform in the show; parents must sign a form prior to the show and agree to encourage regular attendance to class and to pay for the hire or purchase of costumes.
Only licensed Chaperones are allowed backstage during rehearsals and performances and you must sign your child in and out of backstage
Dancer presentation
Uniform/Hair: Please ensure the correct school uniform is worn. (Available through the school) Hair should be neat and tidy off the face in a bun if long enough. Any child wearing incorrect uniform could be refused entry to class.
Complaints and Appeals
We are always to keen to hear feedback from students, parents and staff members and value new ideas and input. In the event of a complaint from a student or parent, we encourage the complainant to speak to the Principal, Miss L Gregory Every effort will be made to discuss the problem and an appointment will be made where appropriate to speak to the Principal. If the problem is not resolved verbally, the complaint should then be addressed to the Principal in writing. The Principal will then respond to the complaint in writing within a period of 10 days.
ALL complaints will be recorded in a Complaints Log Book, along with details of how the complaint was resolved.
Examinations (RAD) ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE – BALLET The Laura Gregory Ballet Centre strives to maintain a high standard in examinations at all times. All pupils are encouraged to take examinations once the required standard had been reached if they wish to do so. Extra classes are held for pupils wishing to take exams. 2 compulsory classes are required weekly for the examination route.
Examinations Students are entered for Royal Academy of Dance Examinations in Ballet by invitation of the Principal. Pupils from Primary level can be entered for Examinations. Those chosen to take an exam will receive a letter of invitation; if for any reason you do not want your child to take the exam then you must inform the Principal verbally or in writing. Fees must be paid by the closing date on the attached invitation to prevent cancellation of exam. Refunds for examinations are not given unless the student can provide a doctors sick note, upon receipt of this a 50% refund towards another exam is given.
All graded examinations are accredited on the national qualifications framework (NQF) and are outlined below:
RAD and I.S.T.D. Grade 1 – 3 – NQF Level 1 (equivalent - GCSE grade D-G)
RAD and I.S.T.D. Grade 4 – 5 – NQF Level 2 (equivalent - GCSE grade A* - C)
RAD and I.S.T.D. Grade 6 – NQF Level 3 (equivalent – A/AS Level)
Students who successfully pass Grade 6, Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced 1 or Advanced 2 can gain UCAS points from these examinations for University entrance.
Further Training/other schools any students wishing to pursue a career in dance are supported and encouraged by the school. The school can advise on suitable vocational and professional training colleges and can assist in entrance requirements for auditions. If any student of LG Ballet Centre wishes to attend another dance school whilst training at Laura Gregory Ballet Centre, they must inform the Principal first so that she can determine whether or not the school in question abides by the guidelines set down by the Council for Dance Education. Students are not allowed to attend LG Ballet Centre if they are attending another school that is not affiliated to an awarding body. Safe dance practice and professional code of conduct is of paramount importance to the school and although we are fully supportive of other accredited schools we do not support schools with unqualified teaching staff. For a general guideline, schools who are accredited offer Examinations with an awarding body such as the I.S.T.D, I.D.T.A, R.A.D,, B.B.O. or ARBTA
Health & Safety: The LG Ballet Centre aims to keep the working environment of the halls, tidy, clean and free from hazards.
Electrical and fire safety procedures
Fire exits are clearly displayed in the halls
Fire evacuation procedures are displayed on the walls of studios/hall
Location of fire exits are visible, signs on doors.
Fire evacuation procedure - In case of fire proceed with class out of the double door fire escape onto the pavement in front of the hall entrance (with register).
Those in the waiting areas do similarly, check here and toilets.
Once in assembly point, take register and inform emergency services on arrival.
Accidents and First Aid: Accidents during class are reported in the accident book which is located in the dance studio with the teacher. Simple first aid is applied but if a serious problem is identified then the Parent/guardian is informed and student is taken home or an ambulance is called whichever is deemed appropriate first.
Further information: The School shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the student’s person or property occurring on school premises. All Students attend the school at own risk.
Liability Insurance
The School has an Employers and public liability insurance on a group policy, some teachers may also have their own insurance in addition.
For off site classes such as shows and presentations, these policies still apply however the general building policy is the responsibility of the venue and we would carry out a risk assessment when entering the venue.
Parental responsibilities
As a rule replacement classes are not granted except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the school principal. LG BALLET would ask that as much notice be given if a child will be absent from their class.There are no child care facilities available after any lessons, at any location. Parents must ensure prompt collection of their children after classes. Students registered for exam classes must attend a full course set out at the commencement of the exam term.
Class timetable
Parents and students should be aware of their own class timetable.
Personal photography & Social Media Policy
LG Ballet Centre does not permit photography of any kind, at any time, by student or parent during lessons, either of themselves, their classmates or teacher. No photographs, or recordings of classes or performances should be posted onto social media site, without the consent of .Laura Gregory Ballet Centre.
Parents are required to complete a photo release form.